The civil rights movement was landmarked by a numerous amount of races fighting for equality in society. Some of these races and ethnicities formed groups to protect their own people and together create change. Some of these groups created a larger impact in society today. The Nation of Islam was not as successful compared to the Back Panthers in protecting their people and changing society. The goals of Nation of Islam was different compared to The Black Panthers. The Nation of Islam wanted their people to be treated equally in terms of “freedom, justice and equality” (Writh). This idea was to be achieved through the use of peaceful and political protest. This is extremely different compared to the Black Panthers’ ideals on how to achieve …show more content…
The Nation of Islam held a “Million Man March” were they marched on the U.S. Capitol fighting for equal treatment for African American families. Although, there were one million participants there were only about 30,000 members in the Nation of Islam. The Black panthers would also conduct marches but, they were arrested due to the fact that they conduct “party marches on the California state capital fully armed” (Baggins) and they would also try these marches in other states. The Nation of Islam had influence by owning land and businesses. The Black Panthers believed that change could only “come through black unity” (Baggins). This is similar to the Nation of Islam as they denounced the whites use of power to destroy Black communities and …show more content…
Although, the Black Panthers wanted to liberate all minority oppressed groups from the shackles of the white men who had put on them. Then the Nation of Islam wanted the white men to give the slaves what was promised to them such as land food and other necessities to be able to live independently from society, but this was never achieved. They both were extremely against and hated the Ku-Klux-Klan who has had terrorized and kill their people for ages. Malcolm X was a major influence for both organizations. Malcolm was victim from the hatred the K.K.K. caused and sent to the minds of people. They burned down Malcolm's house and also killed his father. Which led to both organizations criminalizing the whites and Christians due to their past and