National Clearinghouse For English Language Essay

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According to the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, “Approximately 5 million students in U.S. schools have limited English language skills that affect their ability to participate successfully in education programs and achieve high academic standards” (National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition). Five million students in our country alone are struggling and suffering because we as educators and advocates for education are not properly doing our jobs. The U.S. News reported on August 21, 2017 in an article that Latino families who speak English as a second language and attend Holyoke School District in Massachusetts are not receiving proper teacher - family communication which leads one to believe that the …show more content…

National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition Therefore, an educator would believe that all United States school districts are taking their best shot at offering English Second Language and English Language Learner students and families the absolute best education and communication possible. In a previous class, my peers and I learned of the importance of teacher - parent communication and the fact that the communication between the two parties does not have to be negative thoughts or poor conduct. For example, the families who have children attending the Holyoke School District would probably love to get a phone call from their child’s English teacher praising the student for outstanding ethic and ability. However, this is the absolute least of one’s worries. The article verifies that several children have gotten injured on school property and authoritative figures, such as teachers or administrators, have neglected to notify the family. Why is this an issue other than just the obvious “it is

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