National Crime Victimization Survey Paper

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The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) was created by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 1972. The Bureau of Justice surveyed approximately 77,200 households in order to gauge the frequency of crime victimization, as well as characteristics and consequences of victimization. The survey was designed to gather information on a variety of crimes. The survey studied crimes such as assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, rape, and robbery. The findings of this survey showed that showed that several of the crimes were not reported to law enforcement. The survey provided the Bureau of Justice Statistics with vital, and important information. It also gave them statistical measure about the crime in different societies. The National Incident-Based Reports System (NIBRS) was established in the 1970’s and is an incident-based reporting system for law enforcement. NIBRS information is collected by law enforcement and then sent to the F.B.I for data analysis. The data collected (generated from a departments records management system) includes every incident and arrest in the Group A offense category and only arrest information in the Group B category. Like UCR, NIBRS reports Crimes Against Persons and Crimes Against Property. Unlike UCR, …show more content…

Its history dates back to the 1920’s, to more precise 1929. The UCR was the brainchild of the International Association of Police Chiefs. The UCR is a nationwide system that allows law enforcement agencies all across the country to voluntarily report data on crimes that occur in their jurisdiction to the FBI. The objective of the system was to create reliable, comparable information for law enforcement administration, operations, and management. Every month law enforcement agencies who use the UCR, report the number of known crimes, cases closed, and crimes reported to law enforcement in their jurisdiction. These reports are then sent to the

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