National Curriculum Essay

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During the past decade, multiple definitions have been given to creativity. A definition of creativity is the originality that comes from an idea or product. The Oxford Dictionary defines creativity as ‘the ability to use skill and imagination to produce something new or to produce art; the act of doing this’ (Oxford University Press, 2017). Similarly, Barnes (2011, pg. 10) defines creativity as ‘the ability in all humans imaginatively or practically to put two or more ideas together to make a valued new idea’. However, creativity can also relate to the outcome which it produces such as ‘dramatic improvisations and artistic artefacts, but also innovative business ideas and scientific breakthroughs’ (Howard – Jones, 2008, pg. 6) rather than creativity being the ability to use skills acquired …show more content…

The National Curriculum (2013, pg. 6) which ‘helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement’ is a statutory framework document which supports teachers to plan and deliver lessons. Through engendering an appreciation of human creativity and achievement, school teachers can work towards ensuring children make progression across all subject areas. A means in which practitioners can work towards making learning accessible for all children is by adopting a cross – curricular approach to teaching and learning. Hayes has suggested that cross curricular approaches can be defined using a variety of legitimate meanings, as it doesn’t have a single identity (2010). Cross – curricular approaches can also be referred to as ‘interdisciplinary’ or ‘curriculum integration’ because combinations of subjects are planned for within a Medium Term Plan or can all be related through a theme (Caroll and McCulloch, 2014; Jacobs, 1989; Appendix