National Identity Definition

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Chapter I: Unity and diversity in the U.S.A Individual identity is exhibited in a person’s characteristics, behavior, likes, dislikes, routine and individual choices that add up to forming a civil identity. That identity affects more than a single person, it affects the hole society and the way the nation would stand and rise. When characteristics from a certain identity are not present in all or most other selves it is very hard to be united; especially with the number of varieties that exist it the United States of America and that combine the hole if a U.S citizen.
1. National identity in the U.S.A: 1.1 Definition: National identity is a common quality shared with a group of people; this quality is the sense of belonging to a certain land, disregarding one’s birth-land the attachment should be to the home-land. Common points are mostly present in people from the same home land. In the U.S.A many qualities are common, the national symbol it being the bold eagle, the national colors “red, blue and white”….. Even though languages, religions, races, cultures, music, cuisine, art …… are various national identity is habitually …show more content…

In order to fit in immigrants have tried to incorporate into the community, and integrating has become easier with the second generation then it was the first and easier with the third and so on, because they start to absorb the prevailing culture, language and follow the supreme majority in order to be more efficient members of the society along with kipping a part of their own civilization and inheritance alive, this has not completely functioned because minorities keep forming a big portion of the country and effect its development, progress, enlargement, growth and