When teaching about Native Americans in English Language Arts and History classes we need Native American to be represented as an ancient civilization and culture. The reason that we need to do this is that they made many contributions to modern America. One example of this is the sport of lacrosse that was invented by the Huron people. Many Native American Tribes have a deep and rich history that we do not learn about in History class. Originally in the western hemisphere there were over 1,000 tribes. These tribes lived in areas such as Arctic, subarctic, northeast US, southeast US, the Plains, the southwest US, the Great Basin (Rocky Mountains and desert), California, northwest US, and the Plateau (Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Washington state). And many of them would move around based on where there food went. In classes we do get some portion of their history but we often get a tinted version. The reason for this is that we are manly hearing the stories of white male Europeans. The reason that this is an issue is …show more content…
To them, it was a sport, but it was also a replacement for war. They saw the sport of lacrosse as a way to settle a disagreement with fewer casualties than war. They played a very different game than modern-day athletes., For their sticks, they would use wood and animal intestines for the nets. For the ball, they would sometime use wool or rocks. And when they played the game the playing field could be Miles long. Some team could be hundreds of people and the games could last for days. Sometimes a game would be war but they also played it just for fun, Nowadays lacrosse is played as a game which is played in a 60 minute time split up into four 15 minute quarters. The sport of lacrosse is growing in popularity across the country but is mainly played on the east and the west coasts. The materials used now are metal and plastic for the sticks and a solid rubber ball. It is now a much different