Native American Music Analysis

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Music has been around since the very beginning and has played roles both big and small in many different cultures. In American culture music is only growing each and every day with new artist and new types of music coming into the culture. Music can be complex but it can also be as simple as beating a foot to the ground. Gilbert Galindo a music composer writes about the importance of music in American culture in his article, The Importance of Music in our Society, “Art and music are basic human functions; humankind and art cannot function without on another” (Galindo, 1). If one were to think about this, truly think about it, they would see that it is true; humans cannot live without music. It is everywhere, in movies, on television advertisements, …show more content…

According to the Tribal Directory, “Not only is music a major part of most tribes’ ceremonies and celebrations, but it is often a large part of their method of passing down oral traditions and history” (Tribal Directory, 1). Voice is the most important aspect in Native music. The lyrics in a song whether sung by one or multiple people, tells and explains stories and why rituals are taking place (Tribal Directory, 1). Each tribe typically has their own individual traditions of how they play and sing their music. This is because of the different meanings each tribe is trying to tell. Along with music, dance is also personal and important to Native American culture. An article on Legends of America states that dance is “used as both a common amusement and a solemn duty” (Legends, 1). Many dances that Native Americans have in their culture play a large role in their beliefs and religions and other ceremonies and other times Native cultures would dance as a way of celebration and to give thanks for their success (Legends, 1). Most of the time tribes just dance to the sound of drums and their own voices, however, there are times when flutes and other wind instruments are incorporated. Before the 1930s the United States and Canadian government outlawed many religious dances, however, a new dance called Fancy Dance was considered to be appropriate to do (Legends, 2). This dance is still a big part of Native American dance culture today. This dance is fast paced, very energetic, colorful, and involves many different tricks and athletic