Native American Rebellion Research Paper

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This rebellion's result was divided, Indians compromised Britain's power, but Britain needed to change their policy. This rebellion was violence. Two hundred warriors died because of this rebellion. Epidemics also killed indigenous people during and after Pontiac's rebellion. The famous story of this rebellion is one of British army officers of Fort Pitt sent smallpox infected blankets to First Nations that tried to infect smallpox to Indians. This behavior made Indian's dissatisfactions more. Smallpox was widespread and this disease killed many people. Due to widespreading smallpox among native Americans, it helped Britain to attack Indians. Britain tried to use smallpox as a weapon for this rebellion. The other effect was culture. Indigenous …show more content…

These indigenous groups had no choices to fight against Britain because their survival conditions would change this war's result. Before 7 years war occurred, Upper and lower Canada was French territories. Abenaki, Algonquin and Ojibwa had deep relationships with France long time rather than Britain. Fur trade was significant trades for indigenous groups and France to maintain their economy and lifestyle. On the other hand, indigenous groups were suffered from diseases because they connected with European. After this war ended, France lost almost all their territories. Indigenous groups couldn't reject Britain's expansion, hence they didn't have enough power anymore. This war's result was effected for Indigenous groups which was French side. Indigenous people's power were important for Britain and France to win French and Indian war. In my opinion, Ojibwa, Algonquin and Abenaki were victims on the 7years war. However, they fought against Britain for their land, lifestyle and surviving with their spirituality. Abenaki, Algonquin and Ojibwa didn't lose their spiritual belief even if they were conquested by Britain. Their culture are valuable in modern. We need to maintain their culture for the future generations and respect indigenous groups as they behaved gentlemen for