Native American Rights In The 1800s

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In the 1800s, Native Americans had few rights in the United States. Even though Native Americans have lived in North America for longer than any European settler or explorer, they had always been viewed as uncivilized and inferior when compared to White settlers because of their origins. The belief of Manifest Destiny, which is the idea that God meant for the United States to own all of North America, caused Natives to be pushed out of their homes. President Andrew Jackson passed an act that forced Natives to succumb to white culture or relocate to reservations. Natives that relocated had to walk the Trail of Tears to get to the reservations. The trail was grueling and many people died. In the early 1800s, Native Americans did not have equal …show more content…

This is made clear in the “Cherokee County Map” by James Mooney, which shows the outlines of Cherokee territory throughout the years. From the start of the American Revolution to the Final Cession Cherokee Indians have lost more than half of their original land. Mooney’s map shows that Native Americans lack economic rights because they did not have the right to their land. Throughout the 1800s, Natives have had their land taken by unfair treaties and by Indian Removal acts. This document was created shortly after the U.S. government took the last of Cherokee land. Another example is in Andrew Jackson’s speech “Second Annual Address to Congress” when it says, “The United States will pay to send the natives to a land where they may live longer and possibly survive as a people.” This quote shows Native Americans lack of economic rights because the government is denying their right to own land. In the quote, the president tells the Natives that their only option is to relocate to a reservation that is far West. Their land has been taken by the government. Jackson’s speech collaborates with the “Cherokee County Map”. Both sources show that a lot of Native land has been taken because they do not have the right to own it. These show that Native Americans lacked economic rights compared to white male