Natural Selection Lab Report

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The overall objective of this experiment was to observe natural selection, like genetic drift, of Drosophilas and how it contributes to the changes in allele frequencies over time. The lab was performed by starting with 10 wild-type males, 10 white-eyed amles, 10 wild-type females, and 10 white-eyed females into a population cage with 4 food bottles and their phenotypes were counted to observe the changes in the populations.
Population genetics is a branch of biology that investigates the genetic makeup of biological populations as well as changes in genetic composition caused by different variables such as natural selection (Okasha, 2022). It investigates genetic diversity within or across groups by detecting and simulating changes in the frequency of genes and alleles in groups through time (Okasha, 2022). …show more content…

The Hardy-Weinberg Model defines and predicts balanced alleles within freely reproducing populations based on the frequency of alleles and genotypes (Mayo, 2008). There is no extremely big population size and mutation, no genetic drift, and no genetic flow between natural selection and population, according to the assumption. Furthermore, the mating pattern is assumed to be random (Smith, 2015). Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium demonstrates that crossbreeding causes more heterozygosis than purebreeding. To reach the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium the following conditions must be met: random mating should take place, the goup must be very large, there is no mutation or migration, there is not gene flow between groups (Smith, 2015). If any of these conditions are not satisfied, the group represents an evolutionary change. In Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, th allele frequencies does not