
Naturalization Act Of 1790 Essay

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The Naturalization ACT of 1790 prohibited all the non-white race residents from becoming citizens of the United States; once they complete 5 years of residency then they can apply to become a citizen and enjoy the benefits that come with their citizenship. Indians and Asians came peacefully and opposed any wars against the Americans. Native Americans and Mexicans were all forced to evacuate from their land. When they refused, the Americans would then kill those who would not comply with their orders.
The Americans wanted to expand west for more resources and land and they didn’t think twice about the consequences. The Native Americans and the Mexicans were already settled in the United States prior to the American’s expansion. So when a group …show more content…

Americans just didn’t want Indian territory, they wanted to take over the Mexicans land. Once they showed sight to their land the Mexicans were not nice about that they actually killed a squad of white men. This eventually started war between the Mexicans and the Americans. The Mexicans became rebellions against the Americans that they would constantly get fined for not following their rules. The war was so deadly it got the Mexicans to surrender. On September 1848, they passed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which Mexico had to give up Texas and all the other states and also concludes their surrender to the U.S.
When it also came to the Indians, the white men would torture them, kill a whole town of them, raped women and stole their stuff. The Indians would always fight back until it got to a point where there weren’t many of them left. They were murdered in big groups at a time, diseases were spreading and they had to move West which was also a new area/climate for the Indians. Same with the Asians… they were badly mistreated, hit, some were killed by mobs of white people. It was a never ending horror

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