
Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations Summary

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Adam Smith (philosopher), the father of modern capitalism, regarded capitalism to be, “the obvious and simple system of natural liberty” as indicated within his book, ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’ (Hessen, 2008), a novel which held the foundations regarding political economy within the nineteenth century. Adam Smith (Bassiry & Jones, 1993), through his work, developed the ‘Capitalist Economic System’, where Smith had, “envisioned a production system organized according to the consumer’s interests”, thus allowing for the birth of supply and demand, being the capitalist market itself. Adam Smith believed in the free market economy, where government intervention is disregarded and unnecessary and should rather be left alone (Cameron, 2015). Adam …show more content…

As shown in Novak’s writings, democratic capitalism is outlined on the basis of a free market as well as a free society through the notions of religious and culture life/practices of the citizens based within a democratic capitalist society (Younkins, 1999). Novak strives for the outcome of freedom to be achieved within a capitalist democracy. With Novak being a fellow defender of Capitalism, Novak, “stressed the aspects of consumer sovereignty, individual choice and responsibility, material progress”, as well as, “theological virtuousness” (Bassiry & Jones, 1993). Novak believed that religion as well as cultural life are aspects that need to be considered when looking at democratic capitalism due to his belief that, “Religion and culture affect everything in people’s lives, including their politics and economics” (Younkins, 1999). Within Novak’s writings regarding democratic capitalism, Novak asserts that through democratic capitalism, self-interest is found although in the form of charity towards family instead of in the form of selfish interests (Younkins,

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