The Nature vs Nurture debate is based on the fundamental questions about how the mind really works. Nature refers to a person’s innate qualities (genetics), while Nurture is based on an individual’s childhood and all knowledge is acquired through personal experience. This was originally brought up by two Greek thinkers, Plato (428 BC-347 BC) and Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) (Schacter, Gilbert, Wegner, 2014). I first heard of this debate my sophomore year in High School and we were talking about the English Philosopher John Locke and how he thought all children were born as blank slates. Reading about Aristotle and Plato was interesting, and when I read about their thoughts on the issue I instantly thought about John Locke and everything was really confusing but I found after reading through a couple of more times I found I understood Plato and Aristotle’s views. …show more content…
Meanwhile Aristotle argued that a child was born with a mind that was a “Tabula Rasa” which translates to blank slate (Nature). Aristotle also argued for philosophical empiricism which means that everything that we know, we learned though different experiences (Nurture). These early philosophers have debated about the human nature for many years but they haven’t provided solid evidence to support all of their claims. “Although they were good with arguing with one another , they found it impossible to settle their disputes because their approach provided no means of testing their theories” (Schacter et al.,