Influence Of Nazi Propaganda

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Nazi Propaganda and its influence on the people


In our English class we focused on the study of media and explored its positive and negative implications. We also explored advertisement and its influence. Out of all the topics, the one that captured my eye is the topic of propaganda and its influence on people around the world. It 's used in many important history-changing events like wars around the world to persuade people into government and social ideologies, just like advertisement persuades people to their products. Propaganda’s power has shaped history as we know it and completely to some extent brainwashes the general public to a specific idea. So I wanted to focus on an event where propaganda was widely and effectively …show more content…

Nazi Propaganda and its influence on the people

During the cold war, America spent millions and millions of dollars each year to supply rural Afghan children with school textbooks that show violent images and militant Islamic teachings in order to spark some kind of resistance to the current Soviet Union occupation that was taking place. Also during the cold war, the KGB, the respected intelligence agency had a whole propaganda campaign to convince developing countries that the CIA created the AIDS virus, so they would choose communism instead of capitalism. Propaganda has been around for many years and each year it gets better and more intelligent. It is no longer who has the biggest gun, but also you could make up smarter lies to get its own people and other behind them.

Propaganda in techniques terms is the use of information especially of bias or misleading for a long-term political and social interest, mainly utilized by government and mostly used to win a war. The German Nazi rise to power in the 1930s and its usage of propaganda helped them get there, but more importantly, it helped to stay in power by persuading the people of Germany of their interest. Even Hitler in his book “Mein Kampf” stated that propaganda conveyed a message to the bulk of the German people, not to …show more content…

He created an entire branch of government for the sole purpose of Propaganda called the “Reich Ministry of public enlightenment and propaganda” headed by Joseph Goebbels, he was a trusted adviser to Hitler which trained especially Nazi members to speak to the public using specific kind of tone and diction. They created fliers and posters for the multiple campaigns, especially in World War II. The Nazi also used it to propagate anti-Semitism, as through propaganda he spread the idea of races that were not deemed to be genetically capable of being productive members of society, stating the blue eyes and blond hair are the ones that are meant to be in this world and everyone else were not “hereditarily fit”. Through this Propaganda campaign Hitler also heavily influenced the anti-Jew “movement”, depicting them as greedy and selfish creatures that will lead to the downfall of human civilization. He portrayed them with the same characteristic in posters, TV, Radio announcement and any kind of platforms he could find. Like the poster above he showed them counting with a bag of money and skulls under them showing that they will do anything for money. Using dark red colors and creating the sense of danger towards the Jews were forever imprinted into the German population. After that people had a negative atmosphere towards Jews, and Hitler waged a war against the Jews which gave