Neal Gablers: The Good Sides Of Social Network

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The Good Sides of Social Network
In Neal Gablers “Social Network” many television series are a demonstration of the fantasy life of Americans. Shows on television such as The Brady Bunch shows the average, and so called “perfect” family which supposedly portrays the reality of an American family. However “friendship has become the basic theme of television” (Gabler 356), in which this is not American reality today due to only finding this kind of example on television, and not anywhere else in the world. Gabler also argues in his essay that social media such as Facebook is ruining the natural friendship development that people have used to make long time friendships back in the days without social network. There may be a lot of good examples on why social network is ruining people’s lives, and especially not having real friendships, but you have to look at the positive side …show more content…

Gabler is wrong that the average American is not like a character on a television series as mentioned in the second paragraph that most people don’t have a huge thanksgiving dinner. For example, holidays are especially important to my family as we are always together no matter what, even if it’s not for the entire day. One of my friends recently got a job that is always open during the holidays but it is also important for his family that they’re together for the holidays. He had to attend a family get together no matter what even before he had a job. Now that he is working, he must take off or only work a certain amount of hours to be with his family which is not only important to them, but it is important to him too. I also have a friend who spends their Sundays with her family for catching up, bonding, and just having fun with them. “A dream where we need never to be alone” (Gablar 358), in which he only sees this as just a dream but really no one is ever