Examples Of Near Miss Medication Errors In Nursing

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Administration and Near-Miss Medication Errors in Nursing Introduction This assignment will be reviewing two peer-reviewed articles. The first article is written by Colleen Claffey and titled, Near-Miss Medication Errors Provide a Wake-Up Call. Lily Thomas titles the second article, Impact of Interruptions, Distractions, and Cognitive Load on Procedure Failures and Medication Administration Errors. Each journal article discusses medication errors within the administrative perspective along with the prescription that was prescribed. Similarly, both of the articles have comparative themes in addition to opposing themes. This focus will benefit my nursing practice by allowing me to acknowledge previous issues about medication errors, and will …show more content…

(Claffey, 2018) The best way to reduce the risk of medication errors is to enquire about which orders wouldn't be appropriate to give to the patient based on their condition. (Claffey, 2018) In addition to successfully completing a physical assessment on the patient, the practitioner must also view the patient holistically, and always report near-miss medication errors. (Claffey, 2018) Given that nurses are the ones administering the medication, they should be able to justify as to why the patient is receiving the drug and if it is safe for the patient to be given that specific dosage. (Claffey, 2018) As technology evolves, having an electronic entry for medication may perhaps help reduce the risk of many errors in a busy environment. (Claffey, …show more content…

(Thomas, 2017) As a result to the study, there were many distractions and interruptions such as huger, fatigue, the noise on the unit, and unsolved issues with other patients. (Thomas, 2017) The data provided showcased that the older the nurse, the more likely you were going to have a medication administration error and procedure failure. (Thomas, 2017) Nonetheless, there was no correlation between cognitive load in procedure failures and mediation administration errors due to a couple of justifications such as having no relationship or due to the lack of necessary power. (Thomas, 2017) Consequently, there should be programs that will incorporate a flawless care when an interruption arises, thus securing the patient from any medication errors and allowing an organizational system. (Thomas,