Negative Effects Of Movie Heroes And Villains

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Positives and Negatives Effects of Movie Hero and Villains People grow up with heroes and villains when they are growing up to show proper behavior. This is displayed through the images in mythology, books, comics, television, and movies. The narratives have a vast influence on society is with movies. The heroes or villains in movies are “the manifestations of how an individual views of life. It can mirror their hopes, dreams and aspirations” (Pedalino) if the individual relates to the hero. The images portrayed can reflect the disappointments, frustrations and opposing the view of life if the individual relates to the villain. Movies can be considered entertainment as it is used as a way for individuals to escape and live a life that …show more content…

The reason why heroes are used in movies is due to the everyday experiences of what is right and wrong. “People have always wanted a saving hero.” (Thompsett). The hero has the qualities that we want in life. The hero is good, willing to save the day without thinking about themselves and reflect everything that an individual see is as good in life. The villain is the opposite, so in the past, he was looked at as a bad influence and was what was to be avoided. The hero was to reflect everything that an individual wanted to be in the movies. An example was the lone ranger who was the hero wore the white hat while the villain wore black hats. The movies provided a clear distinction as to whom the good guy and the bad guy was in the stories being told. There are lasting effects on how an individual views their character. The heroes in a story can be portrayed as going through burdens that add more impact to their character. It is important for the hero to “experience hard times where they question their beliefs and the beliefs of those they love.” (Shekhar). The villain can go through the same trials and depend on their actions are still considered the bad guy. A villain achieves a breakthrough at the end of the storyline there seen that they can be redeemed to the audience as they made up for their …show more content…

The past has been the heroes battling for the good of society against the villains that meant to cause harm. It our society today the villains are charismatic and misunderstood while the heroes are portrayed in a darker light. One example of this is the movie “Maleficent” who in children’s fairy tales was always bad. The new movie portrayed her as angry, but misunderstood fairy who has been wronged at the beginning of the story. The reason for the change is that “villains can be more interesting than heroes because the villain draws the audience’s curiosity” (Pedalino). The problem is that the shades of grey in movies have shifted the boundaries of our society to the differences between good and evil. The fine line is not as distinctive for heroes or villains that are fighting for a cause. The movie ‘Black Panther’ had political undertones in the storyline despite the hero fighting for his people and country. The action that this individual took was not as a hero like as people were hurt in defense of his people! A character is a good man with a good heart, but he was told that it was difficult for a good man to be a good king! Reality is not as clear-cut as life as the media indicates as heroism can lead to situations of life that can be difficult to determine what is right and what is