Negative Effects Of Stereotyping On Children

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Negative stereotypes can have a harmful consequence for the person its intended for it may be harmful to the victim by the aggressor. When you meet someone for the first time it is very easy to label them based on how they look, how they act and the things that they say. But by classifying people into these groups, it causes huge generalisations and ignores the view that each person is their own individual and entitled to their own thoughts, interests and opinions This can bring unintended bullying, portrays a group, ethnicity, or gender a certain way, and it could also mean loss of opportunities. Stereotyping a certain group, gender, or ethnicity portrays them a certain way, then people will automatically assume that an individual or a whole …show more content…

Although it may not be intended to be bullying but it can really hurt some people. Stereotyping can appear as bullying because the constant name calling and the fact of putting a student down. Bullying and hurtful name-calling based on identity has more severe effects than other kinds of bullying. Compared with students harassed for other reasons, students who report being harassed for their race, religion, ability, perceived sexual orientation or gender. Gender stereotyping in children is very dangerous as it creates a cruel treatment of a kid depending on their gender. The students are pressed to act like a boy or girl, ignoring personal views and likings just because people say they should do or act a certain way. I met this guy named Caleb Camarillo and I can reassure you that he is the sweetest man you will ever meet; he gets bullied because he is bi-sexual and society does not “accept” bi-sexuals. He has to go through his day at school acting like he’s alright but really he’s feels as if is not. “They call me gay and fat daily but they don’t realize that I have my own problems to worry about and they add on to them even more.” Students at DHS have to face bullying but when it’s due to something unnecessary such as stereotyping that can truly make the students school environment “unsafe” to them. It’s simple, if students don’t feel safe, they can’t focus in the …show more content…

First, we recognize that stereotypes are present and affecting students because of the phenomenon of stereotype threat. Teacher and students see that Hispanics are lazy, Asian Americans are good in mathematics, women do poorly in science and math and African-Americans consistently underperform on standardized tests. For example if there was only one spot in honors math and there were a Hispanic and an Asian they would give the Asian student the spot automatically assuming that they would be a better candidate. According to my second interviewee ,My father ,”Stereotype threat is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Students will live up or down to perceived expectations, if they think they are not good enough for honors because a teacher says they don’t have the academics but just shouldn’t because it may bring stress then they would listen to who is telling them that”. Academic losses are also because stereotyping widens achievement