Negative Effects Of The Tet Offensive

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Tet Offensive The Tet offensive was the most significant attack towards the U.S military forces and South Vietnamese, strategically deployed by the North Vietnamese communist and Vietcong forces. This attack drastically weakened the U.S public support for the war in Vietnam, and it also resulted in a large number of loses on both sides. North Vietnamese forces anticipated that by accomplishing this plan and claiming victory, the war would end. Although this did not completely succeed from a military standpoint, it did succeed from a psychological and political standpoint. T.A.R.P T.A.R.P stands for Troubled Asset Relief Program. T.A.R.P was a number of programs offered by the U.S Treasury with the goal to stabilize the financial system, restore economic growth, and to aid financially troubled companies by purchasing assets and equity. These group of programs would be available in the event of a crisis. This ultimately lead the U.S Treasury to invest in troubled industries billions of dollars in tax paid money, with the intentions to stabilize the financial system and save millions of jobs since they were preventing companies from foreclosing In December 2013 the U.S Treasury claimed it had earned 11 billion dollars from investing in troubled companies. …show more content…

This alarmed U.S official and the CIA began to plan to overthrow his government. The CIA trained Guatemalans opposed to Arbenz government in Cuba, the CIA funded and supplies arms to overthrow the existing government. This lead to the resignation of president Jacobo Arbenz and the military taking over, this also concluded in thousand lives