Negative Effects Of Video Games On The Brain

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There has been much controversy surrounding the effects video games have on the brain for many years and whether these are positive or negative effects. Many research, experiments and studies have been conducted to find a cohesive conclusion with regards to this topic. A study conducted by the Global Market Research Firm showed that every nine in ten children are gamers, which is 64 million kids. It is shown through studies that a large amount of dopamine flood a gamers brain when they play video games. The amount of dopamine released is equivalent to a stimulant drug injection such as amphetamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that releases the “feel good” hormone. According to Dr David Greenfield, PhD, founder of the Centre for Internet Technology Addiction and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, there’s an extra or excess amount of dopamine that remains in the brain, therefore, leading to a decrease in brain production of neurotransmitters (producing less neurotransmitters), which could lead to a diminished levels of dopamine. This could lead to sleep disturbance in the gamers amongst other conditions. (Source A and B) Studies have shown that playing video games helps enhance a person’s multi-tasking skills, visual perception, hand-eye coordination, as well as increasing the brain’s ability to process information. Many researchers believe that video games can help a person’s brain in the same way learning words