Negative Effects Of Porn

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To What Extent Has Pornography Had a Negative Impact on Human Reproduction?
Kyle White 12A
List of Sources
Source A: ”(ANSA) - Rome - More and more young Italian men are suffering from 'sexual anorexia ' and are unable to get erections because of Internet porn use that started in their mid-teens, experts have said.

A survey of 28,000 users found that many Italian males started an "excessive consumption" of porn sites as early as 14 and after daily use in their early to mid-20s became inured to "even the most violent" images, said Carlo Foresta, head of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS).” Billy Hallowell. 2013. HEALTH ‘Sexual Anorexia’: Porn May Be Killing Young Men’s Sexual Performance. [ONLINE] Available at: …show more content…

Aggression and Violent Behavior. Aggression and Violent Behavior A Review Journal, [Online[Graph]. 323–329, 323. Available at: [Accessed 25 June 2016].
Source F: ” A total of 1565 students attending the final year of high school were involved in the study, and 1492 have agreed to fill out an anonymous survey. The questions representing the content of this study were: 1) How often do you access the web? 2) How much time do you remain connected? 3) Do you connect to pornographic sites? 4) How often do you access pornographic sites? 5) How much time you spend on them? 6) How often do you masturbate? and 7) How do you rate the attendance of these sites? Statistical analysis was performed by Fischer 's test.
All young people, on an almost daily basis, have access to Internet. Among those surveyed, 1163 (77.9%) of Internet users admit to the consumption of pornographic material, and of these, 93 (8%) access pornographic websites daily, 686 (59%) boys accessing these sites perceive the consumption of pornography as always stimulating, 255 (21.9%) define it as habitual, 116 (10%) report that it reduces sexual interest towards potential real-life partners, and the remaining 106 (9.1%) report a kind of addiction. In addition, 19% of overall pornography consumers report an abnormal sexual response, while the percentage rose to 25.1% among regular consumers.” Pizzol D, Bertoldo A, Foresta …show more content…

Therefore it has negatively impacted sexual intercourse. The way in which it has caused erectile dysfunction is through causing sexual anorexia. This can be seen in the following in Source A,” A survey of 28,000 users found that many Italian males…after daily use in their early to mid-20s became inured to ‘even the most violent images.” Therefore this extract justifies that as users are finding it substantially harder to achieve an erection as violent images were not even stimulating a response from them. Furthermore a study found that 25.1% of male students that use it regularly state that it have triggered a usual response according to Source F. Additionally it has led to the partners of the users to have lower sexual gratification and lower self-esteem thus it can be deduced that they will find it more difficult to feel aroused. As seen in the following from Source B,” The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, surveyed female college students and found that those who perceived their boyfriends ' porn use to be problematic experienced lower self-esteem…and lower sexual