Negative Essay: Is Technology Affecting Teen's Happiness

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Technology is Affecting Teen’s Happiness Introduction Have you ever thought about phones being the reason for unhappiness? Does time spent on phones make people less sociable? Does technology, overall, affect the joy of a person? Numerous of questions can come to mind about technology and the effect it can have on a person but for these specific questions there are countless statistics and evidence that help prove the answer. Also, there has been multiple researches done and many statistics have shown that phones are the cause of unhappiness and especially in teens. Not to mention, there has also been many studies done over the years to prove this. Therefore, the usage of phones and technology has been affecting teen’s emotions by making them unhappy, even though many may disagree by saying it isn’t the technology. Technology is Making Teens Unhappy …show more content…

According to BBC News, they reported, “ Access to communication devices was found to be the most valued.” This is saying that the access of being able to communicate through technology is actually the most popular and the most liked by people. To further add, the news also claimed,“ It found that women in developing countries, and people of both sexes with low incomes or poor education, were most influenced emotionally by their access to technology.” This means that having the ability of being on technology and being able to use it brings joy to some adults and teens that are less fortunate in other countries. Adding to it, it proves that technology does make some people happy and keeps them occupied and entertained. Not only does it fill them up with joy, but it has been voted most valued for some people. However, although, it may bring joy to some people who are less fortunate, too much use of technology could soon have negative impacts in their