Negative Impacts Of Globalization On Culture

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Globalization is the circulation of ideas and culture in a global scale. It has made the world become increasingly interconnected as a result of increased trade and cultural exchange. Culture can be defined as shared patterns of learned behaviour, attitudes and knowledge. Some of the positive impacts of globalization is that it helps spread culture globally, exposing other people to different cultures, it also instils common values and interest in people creating a more united society. However, globalization also diminishes the presence of local culture in favour of a more influential one and homogenizes society.
One positive impact globalization has on culture is that it has opened the people in different parts of the world to a myriad of …show more content…

Unique traits of local culture are now fast disappearing due to the predominant Western culture. Many countries are now adopting Western culture, leaving their own cultural heritage behind. Why do people want to adopt Western culture? Well, it stems from the feeling that Western culture is more desirable and sophisticated. A good example is the English language. Language is an integral part of culture as it allows people of same race to communicate with each other. English language has however emerged as the universal language and a symbol of success. It has become the language of business, social media and the film industry. Look at Singapore. Compared to 30 years ago, many parents now communicate with their children solely in English as they believe that the language is important in attaining social success. Many youths in Singapore are unable to use their mother tongues fluently. Worse, Singaporean Chinese who can speak dialects have decreased markedly. This results in those languages to become endangered or even extinct. This is a sign of how influential cultures are rampantly causing local cultures to fade and …show more content…

The term ‘homogenization’ refers to the many societies from all over the world adopting the practices and ideas of a more influential culture. As globalization introduces the same cultural products such as art, clothing and food to the world, people start making the same cultural choices. While globalization may unite people together, it takes away the unique features of a local culture. Soon unique cultural differences begin to disappear. Cultures will become similar and less interesting and countries lose their heritage and culture. Societies will all become duplicates of each other. It is an inevitable outcome of globalization. Many of us would have worn jeans before, which is an American product. We watch their Hollywood movies and eat their fast food. American culture however, is not the only popular culture we have been adopting. We watch anime, read manga, and eat sushi. All these cultural products of different countries have become part of our everyday lives. Many countries have embraced globalization, while they rapidly develop. They do it at the cost of losing its unique culture. China, Japan and Singapore are examples of countries that are westernized to the point that they have become duplicates of Western cities. Here are some Western characteristics that these three cities possess. Overwhelming presence of skyscrapers, McDonalds outlets,