Negatives Of Gentrification

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In order for us to research and dive deep into Gentrification in neighborhoods such as Pilsen and Humboldt Park. But also how gentrification affects and affected both residents and the overall neighborhood we have to first define gentrification. Gentrification is the arrival of wealthier individuals into an existing urban district (Anderson, Sean). We can look at gentrification being something positive or negative. Simply, gentrification is looked at by being positive because of the benefits that it provides a struggling community. There are many benefits such as renewing and improving existing buildings within the neighborhood (Anderson, Sean). Many of these buildings and neighborhoods have been run down and poorly maintained due to funding. …show more content…

Gentrification can improve the neighborhood, but it can also have many negatives. Such as the low-income residents losing affordable housing and causing a displacement of the poor and minorities (Grossman, Susan). There are many examples such as these that relate to gentrification and it's impact on the community. In this paper I will be discussing the negative impact of gentrification on these communities. I will then relate to you why and how these negatives relate to violence and how it has caused violence in these neighborhoods. This information is important to know because it gives us the idea of why the city is as it is. It also explains why there are many poor communities which consist of primarily minorities. We will use peer-reviewed articles in order to understand what we are trying to study at hand. Also, I will pull information from the chapters in The New Chicago that regard to gentrification. All of these resources will be used in answering the question of how gentrification has caused violence and how it negatively impacted …show more content…

I first had go online to DePaul's library website. I then went to the Academic Search Completely database. In this database is where I found my articles that I will be using for my paper. I first wanted to find out what Gentrification is therefore I put into the search box Gentrification and Chicago. I then wanted to find information about gentrification in the neighborhoods that I listed above. Therefore, I put in Gentrification and Pilsen which provided me many articles regarding this topic. I then put in keywords such as cities as well as mentioned keywords such as Violence, Gentrification, Chicago. All of these keywords allowed me to find the appropriate articles that I was looking for. I also tried to narrow the articles down to a certain time frame. I did not want articles from forty years ago because although they may be useful in one sense or another. But for the information that I am searching for I narrowed it down to the last two decades. Specifically, the last decade or so for many of these neighborhoods. When I found an interesting article I read over it and found the information that I thought was useful and could use in my paper. I did not pick articles in which I thought were unclear or danced around the topic. I then pulled out the information I needed from every article and cited it at the end of my paper so that readers know which articles I