Neighbour Rosicky Analysis

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Stephen Crane’s “Blue Hotel” and Willa Cather’s “Neighbor Rosicky” are two complex stories that seem different from one another on the surface, but end up having deep similarities. By using analyzation techniques, this reading will further discuss the values of life and death, nature, and relationships that are present within both stories. Crane’s “Blue Hotel” takes place in an unsightly, yet alluring building called the Palace Hotel. As the owner tries to console a frightened guest, who is known as the Swede, the five men become guilty and irritated with one another as the night goes on. Cather’s “Neighbor Rosicky” surrounds Anton Rosicky’s content and generous view on life, and how he has selflessly loved and cared for many people since he was a young boy. It is compelling to realize that both short stories take place in rural Nebraska. The Palace Hotel resides in a small and simple town known as Fort Romper, and it is the visual highlight of whoever visits. When it is compared to the bleak houses in town, the hotel is a glimmer in an otherwise dull world. The complete opposite is true for Anton Rosicky. “He could see his own house, crouching low, with the clump of orchard behind and the …show more content…

Later on, it contributes to his estrangement and fear. “The Blue Hotel” encapsulates the importance of honesty. The Easterner could have spoken up about Johnnies cheating, Johnnie could have admitted it himself, and the Swede could have told the truth about his fears. Overall, “The Blue Hotel” is a nerve wracking story in a depressed setting. “Neighbor Rosicky” teaches the meaning of true happiness when money is out of the picture. The reader can learn worthwhile lessons as Anton recollects his triumphs and failures from his youth. The setting of both of these stories foreshadows emotional bonds later in the story. Although characters die, their death isn’t