Neil Armstrong: A Hero

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941 words used, no videos, Process paper is below as is the bibliography. I am not seeing anyone putting in references in their writing in the paper. I will check for plagiarism but pretty good job other than no name of the young people doing this website.

You may just know Neil Alden Armstrong as the first man on the moon. Well... he was, but he was also much more than just that one man. He was a hero, and a very important man on that point. He was an Eagle Scout, and was recognized easily by all scouts in his later years as an astronaut. But that is definitely not all for Neil... Neil Armstrong was a war hero as well, flying 78 combat missions, while in the Korean War, and earning several medals for his service. He later was an outstanding …show more content…

He earned it before he got his driver 's license! He went to Purdue University at the age of 17, but was asked to serve in the Korean War. He flew more than 78 combat missions in the Korean War. After the war he then resumed college at Purdue University and graduated. He earned a 4.8 out of 6.0 GPA at Purdue University. After he graduated from college, he then became a test pilot. In 1955 he joined the NACA, which then became NASA. In 1962 he was asked to join the NASA Astronaut Corps. He became the command pilot of the Gemini 8 Mission. He was also a backup pilot for the Gemini 11 Mission. On July 16, 1969, Neil and the other astronauts launched into space on the Apollo 11 Mission. The astronauts landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. They then returned to Earth on July 24, 1969, landing in the Pacific Ocean, north of Hawaii. Neil retired from NASA in …show more content…

After Neil 's retirement announcement from NASA in 1971, he began teaching Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. He did this for 8 years, and absolutely loved it. Neil later got remarried to Carol Held Knight in 1994, and settled down in Wapakoneta, Ohio (his childhood home town) and stayed quiet for most of his years following. Neil Armstrong during his retirement wasn 't super social... he stayed at home, and didn 't get out much. Neil Armstrong didn 't even attend the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Neil admits that he did not want to be a celebrity, or anything like that. He just wanted to settle down, and be left alone. Neil Armstrong later died on August 25, 2012.
Family He married Janet Shearon in 1956 and divorced her in 1994, but got remarried to Carol Knight also in 1994. He has 2 sons, Mark and Eric, and a daughter, Karen, who died in 1969 from a brain tumor. He also has 1 brother, Dean, and one sister, June. His father was Stephen Armstrong, he married Viola Engel, Neil 's mother.
Teaching Years After his retirement from NASA in 1971, he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati under Aerospace Engineering. He taught there from 1971 to 1979. He taught graduate engineering courses in aircraft design and experimental flight mechanics. During 1977, he brought a plane to their school to teach his Flight Test Engineering II class about