
Neil Postman Brave New World Essay

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Neil Postman’s analysis that Brave New World by Aldous Huxley was a more accurate prediction of the future than 1984 by George Orwell is correct in fact of the emergence of convenience culture and social media. The surge in popular culture such as Amazon, TikTok, fast food, and the omission of literature has created a convenience culture that people do not want to break free from. However, this convenience culture has detrimental effects on society and the planet itself. Today, We can see how reluctant we are to leave convenience by looking at the COVID-19 pandemic. Once businesses began allowing employees to work from home, they never wanted to return. But now, in a post-covid world completely shaken by its effects, companies are beginning …show more content…

Neil Postman describes the path modern society has inadvertently taken, saying that “what we love will ruin us”, a horrifying pill to swallow and a thought we want to deny. Society’s search for maximum convenience will inevitably be our downfall, even if we believe it makes us happier. We can see just how successful focusing on customer convenience is by analyzing Amazon and McDonald's. Both of these financial giants hold more value than entire countries, with Amazon’s market cap alone being greater than 183 countries’ GDP. Looking into the past, we can see McDonald’s rise to power being led by the focus on convenience and reliability with the introduction of the drive-through and its successful franchising model. Slowly but surely, companies will begin to repeatedly top each other in convenience until we no longer have to, nor will want to, leave our homes. Our society may not crumble, but it will not flourish without the forceful introduction of a means to maintain happiness, as face-to-face interaction will become non-existent and mental health will hit an all-time

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