Nelson Mandela's Impact On American Society

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Nelson Mandela and the American society. «As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.” Nelson Mandela. Poverty, injustice, and gross inequality are the main reasons for a politically divided America. Nelson Mandela’s message. Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest civil rights activists, fighting for black people, rights, and had an end goal of racial equality, such as a smaller margin of discrimination towards blacks, religious people and more. While trying to achieve his goal he introduced and fought for many acts such as the civil rights act of 1964 (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR), which would prohibit discrimination towards religion, race, and other factors. No subject in this sentence: …show more content…

Not only that, but how he acted as a person and how he used his words and messages to spread awareness was something that intrigued people, such as his popular speech “I have a dream”, Martin Luther King. but also, many more messages and quotes spread throughout America, but especially the quote ” as long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest” is fascinating, due to the fact that it puts things into perspective. For instance, Nelson Mandela clearly stated as an influential reminder that were hardships and disparities still exist in the world we cannot truly rest until the margin between people are as little as possible in terms of injustice and gross inequality, so why he quotes this is to show that many problems in the past most likely slavery and racial segregation which he mainly fought for but, also difficulties …show more content…

As mentioned above, one of the problems created by the Mandela quotes is Division. not only in the USA but also in many parts of the world, if not all, we can see division created by inequality, poverty and injustice. One example by Keith Payne, (Payne, 2020) is where he talks about how inequality is creating this psychology that is an important consequence of our political actions, due to a psychological phenomenon called the better than average affect that is indirectly affecting politics in the USA. So, simply what this affect does is that the better than average group is motivated to protect the beliefs that benefit them causing one to think the other group is incompetent, blinded by self-interest and biased, while the below average group particularly in this scenario the group that faces poverty, inequality and injustice, was less motivated to protect their interest and political opinions, so simply by psychological feeling poorer or richer or feeling inequality can prevent one from voting and while the USA wealth inequality is higher than any other developed country (firipurapu, 2022), this doesn’t benefit the cause and, the better than average effect combined with inequality, is creating more political polarization than in any other country, which threatens the American democracy. therefore (mandela) quote that one shall not rest while inequality still dominates the world is important