Net Neutrality: A Controversial Issue

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Net Neutrality Net Neutrality a controversial topic that has been around for many years and will continue to be around for many years to come. Net Neutrality is a controversial topic that concerns many and brings up questions for those use the internet but do not fully understand how it works and how Net Neutrality works overall. The biggest question revolving the subject will inevitably be, Should Net Neutrality exist or not? In this essay I will talk about what exactly Net Neutrality is for those who do not grasp the concept, it’s history, how it might be a problem, and it’s solutions. Net Neutrality is something that practically guides the internet and many would consider that the internet would not be what it is today without it. Net …show more content…

In 1934 it first began with The Communications Act of 1934 which was signed off by President Roosevelt consolidated any regulations that existed for radio, television, telephone, etc. and created the Federal Communications Commission. The commission helps to oversee communications later on including the internet both interstate and foreign. Although in 2005 the supreme court would decide that the Federal Communications Commission also known as FCC would be unallowed to regulate the internet. After The Communications Act of 1934 was established later came The Telecommunications Act of 1996 which helped permit anyone to enter the communication business to drive communication. During this act it included the internet for the first time which allowed the government to subject regulation. Years later during 2003 was when the concept of Net Neutrality was first introduced by professor Tim Wu stating that providers should have treated the internet equally. We see a way of how FCC works when in 2007 a network expert named Robb Topolski realized his songs weren’t getting transferred through BitTorrent, a peer to peer file sharing. Topolski realized Comcast was sending Reset packages and or messages to stop the transfers. FCC steps in and orders Comcast to stop the practices and discriminating the BitTorrent traffic. Later on, in 2010, the FCC passes what they announced Open Internet Order …show more content…

With both sides of agreeing and disagreeing of whether Net Neutrality should be a thing having many supporting ideas and evidence. Although one a thing that could be agreed on is without Net Neutrality the internet would not be the internet and some of the big-name businesses that we know of today might have never existed if Net Neutrality would have never been a thing. Over the years starting with the 1900s, the topic of Net Neutrality has extended a long way. Some people can benefit from this while others cannot but there are always problems with each side of a topic that is inevitably going to be around. Even though many take advantage of what Net Neutrality has done for us meanwhile there are many countries like Portugal and Spain who suffer from the consequences of being unable to have Net Neutrality. Although there are many solutions that we can consider to Net Neutrality and how it works we are not guaranteed the fact that they will work in the end it should be a risk that the government, organizations, etc. should

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