Netflix Persuasive Essay

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Imagine just a normal American family looking for a good movie to watch on a Friday night. Where will they watch the movie is the question? Will they watch it on TV or streaming? Most like you will navigate to Netflix because Netflix won't have as many commercials even though you would like to watch your favorite movie on tv. Video streaming such as Netflix, Hulu, and other outside streaming source is affecting tv audience and the broadcasting industry. The audience is the group of viewers and listeners who builds up the viewership numbers when watching the show. It's has become a big problem because Tv ratings/Audience are dropping. Not as many shows are getting much attention or keeping viewers because of streaming. As of 2015, Netflix has about 44 million of subscribers and that is about 6% total of …show more content…

Then interact with them through social media. "Normally I watch TV with my roommates," said one study participant. "We all have our laptops, our cell phones out, and we'll just talk about what's going on the TV, and then we're tweeting." So companies have co- engaged with their audience through social apps. Most companies have created apps or social media so that their viewers could continue to interact with their show even when they go to commercial or when they are are not on air. Another solution that has already been put in place to be airing more commercials. The reason for more commercials is because of low ratings they would have to pay back for those low ratings, Hoping to get more views, but only bad thing about this is that it mean more commercials. These are both great solutions and if I had to pick one to go with it would probably be the interacting because everyone does get on any type of technology there is when they come across a boring moment on tv. There is only one bad thing about this solution and that would quickly die

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