Network Management Case Study: Kudler Fine Foods

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Kudler Fine Foods is a fast growing company with a network infrastructure that is quickly reaching its point of obsolescence. Kudler has currently outgrown their existing network framework, and their administration has distinguished a few areas of concern identified with their current system infrastructure, including information speeds, dependability of the system, and the absence of between organization electronic interchanges. Kudler Fine Food right now has three physical store locations, all of which are worked around a 100baseT network foundation. Every one of the three stores have a comparable system setup, which can be dangerous on the grounds that the La Jolla store uses nineteen PCs and voice over Internet convention (VOIP) telephones and the other two areas just utilize six PCs and VOIP telephones at every area. Kudler utilizes a committed OC-1 Synchronous optical system (SONET) for their VOIP telephone framework and 25Mbps Ethernet line to get to the Internet.
The primary store, La Jolla, runs the NRC Point-of-Sale (POS) Management Software on the IBM cutting edge server C3000 at that area. Each of the three stores is ported utilizing two Cisco firewalls and switches with a between store organize and a different system connected to 25Mbps Ethernet. The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) …show more content…

Kudler Fine Foods as of now uses a Bus Topology on a Wide Area Network (WAN) design. Organize gear is generally good because of the utilization of the indistinguishable hardware at each of the three areas. This is a rapidly turning into an issue on the grounds that the hardware is old and there is no focal area for any system servers and security. The issue with utilizing a transport topology is the more gear that is added to the system, the more corruption that is experienced. Kudler would profit extraordinarily by executing a work topology into their system. This would guarantee Kudler continuous network between store areas while giving extra ways of

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