
Never Ending Process In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Never Ending Process In the book “Night “, by Elie Wiesel conforming from Article five states that “No One Shall be subjected to torture or cruel inhuman punishment “. On page fifty - eight and fifty-seven it conclude that Wiesel received twenty five laches after witnessing Idek and a polish girl tornicating. There were cruel things happening there every single day . People would do bad things and for their punishment they would be hanged . All of the people that were at camp would have to just watch the dying person die or see the dead body already dead . In article three it argue that everyone has the right to life , liberty and security of a person . In the book the family had been separated soon as they arrived to the camp . They were lied to before they arrived they were told that they would stay together . The women and the girl went to one place and the man and the boy went to another . You could choose to live or die . If the Nazis told you to do something you would have to obey their commands or else death on you . If you were too young or to old you would be …show more content…

They are endowed with a reason and conscience and should act towards towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood . DIrectly on page fifty one and on that page it relate that they are not free they have to do things they do not want to do . They can not leave the camp without having permission from the Nazis or else they were killed . If you had a gold grown which was priceless . You would be demanding by the dentist to get it taken out . Which was not a real dentist and later on he was killed for doing selfish stuff . The people could not go and take a shower when they wanted to , because there were so many rules and the camp was so over populated . Most people would get sick and they would just die . This is why the people are not free

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