New Age Of Industrialization Analysis

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Between the years of 1865 and 1900, extensive amounts of industrialization were spreading throughout the nation and began to flourish. New ideas and inventions were increasing productivity in numerous different fields, such as manufacturing and agriculture. However, with this newfound accomplishment came more responsibilities and larger work loads for many of the employees and became hard to bare. Overtime came into effect and wages remained the same despite the additional amount of work that had to be done. Many small businesses began to be taken over by large industrialized companies. The new age of industrialization stopped for no one and nothing, thus forcing the United States and its citizens to adapt and change accordingly.

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However, in the South and west many issues were just beginning. Mrs. Mary Lease once said, “We were told two years ago to go to work and raise a big crop…we went to work we plowed and planted…we raised the big crop that they told us to; and what came of it? Eight cent corn, ten cent oats, two cent beef, and no price at all for butter and eggs.” (C3, Mrs. Mary Lease Raises More Hell, 484) Many officials in this time had promised that the increase in product would positively affect farmers, but it instead had a negative affect. As a result of this surplus in product, prices got reduced and plunged the agricultural south into an even worse position than they were in originally. Subsequently, as the South plunged into a state of distress, many individuals that were able to leave, left this area along with the farming industry. William Allen White once stated, “In five years ten million people added to the national population, yet instead of gaining a share of this — say, half a million — Kansas has apparently been a plague spot and, in the very garden of the world, has lost populations by ten thousands each year.” (C4, William Allen White Attacks the Populists, 486) As a result of the distress, many people were leaving to go to the manufacturing east. The fact that during a time of an increase in the national population, Kansas, along with other states …show more content…

Many attempts were made to increase the economy, but to some it seemed like the U.S. had completely forgotten about them. F.B Tracy once stated, “In either case he needed money, to make the payment or maintain himself until prices should rise. When he went to moneylenders, these men often dishonest usurers told him that money was scarce, that the rate of interest was rapidly increasing, etc.” (C2, An Iowan Assesses Discontent, 483) Inhabitants of the South were so desperate to gain money in any way possible that many people went to unsafe moneylenders, in which most cases caused for the individual to pay more for the loan than they actually borrowed. The farmers were barely able to support themselves and were in a deep state of depression that they could not get out of, despite numerous attempts. Then, as the South and west got worse, the East simultaneously got worse. After years of low wages and increased amounts of work, employees became tired and angry of their situation. “All these things were denied them. Finally, the Pullman citizens came to the conclusion that they might as well starve in defense of their rights.” (D1, A Populist Condemns George Pullman, 488) With the mechanization in the East, many

“The machines go mad all day, because the faster you work the more money you get. Sometimes in my haste I get my finger caught and the needle goes right through it.” (E3, The