New Deal Dbq

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During the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939, workers lost their jobs as the demand for products went down and companies had to fire them to save money. Families were very poor and often had little food and other resources. The current president, Herbert Hoover, did little to help because he believed in Laissez Faire Capitalism, and thought the economy would eventually repair itself without any intervention from the government. Many Americans found fault with this, and expressed this distaste by doing things like name the shantytowns that evicted Americans lived “Hoovervilles”. The preceding president Franklin Roosevelt took immediate action to help Americans suffering in the Depression. The government’s involvement in the economy increased the most during the New Deal. The most important laws can be traced back to this era. The New Deal expanded federal authority in banking, and established minimum wages and standards on the job. …show more content…

One of the lasting impacts of the New Deal is the dramatic differences it made to the two major political parties in the United States. Roosevelt was committed to improving things for the working class and the poor, the urban working class and labor unions became strong supporters of the democratic party. Even African Americans, who had previously supported Lincoln’s Party turned to the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party became a major party during this time due to the new alignment of voter blocs in the country who voted for Democratic presidential candidates from 1932 until the late 1960s, in what was called the New Deal Coalition. This impact on the evolution of the Democratic Party was important because of the accomplishments of the party itself and those of the presidents the party elected while the New Deal Coalition was still in

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