New Deal Dbq

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The Americans had very high redundancy, and they did not want to spend it if they had it. Money was tight, and people were afraid to spend it, which lessoned the salary of other people, and so on. Money was rarely spent because sometimes you would hardly be able to get it back. They had lack of food all the time, lack of money, and racial judgement. There were never enough jobs and only the white people could get the ones available. By 1930, four million Americans looked for work and could not find it. That number had risen to six million in 1931. Farmers could not even afford to harvest their own crops, and were forced to leave them rotting in the fields while people elsewhere starved. Hoover made the Massive Government Spending step, and it worked perfectly. Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced a series of measures to lift US economy out of the Great Depression. Many of these things come under the New Deal program introduced by him. Franklin D. Roosevelt took various measures for developing and imposing codes of fair practices for productions. Franklin D. Roosevelt was governor of New York and also ran for vice - president in 1920 and was Secretary of the Navy during World War I. The Republicans nominated Herbert Hoover again and they had no better …show more content…

The advisory group formed by Franklin D. Roosevelt while protesting for the presidency in 1932 was called the “Brain Trust”. They were a group if great financial and radical thinkers who comprised Roosevelt’s cabinet. The nation was in the deepest of its worst depression and more than 13 million Americans were out of work. The 1932 Republican platform reflected Hoover to stay the course and rely basically on voluntarism to solve the nation's issues. The election in 1932 took place as the effects of the 1929 Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression was being looked down on terribly across the

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