New Deal Dbq

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Repercussions of the New Deal during the Great Depression Government programs always affect our country; whether or not we seek all aspects of the program determines the outcome of the situation. Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) became president March 4th, 1933, and he served as president for two terms. FDR was a fighter, he fought a battle with polio, and he also fought to get the United States out of a Great Depression. He came up with the New Deal, a series of government programs intended to help. The Great Depression started when the stock market crashed October 29th, 1929, and the economy fell tremendously, and unemployment rose. The New Deal gave people the opportunity to get on track from poverty, the ability to gain jobs as well as appeal …show more content…

In Document 1, Clara Hancox describes her life as : “My father walked the streets every day… My mother went to work. I even worked, playing the piano for dancing class on Saturday mornings for fifty cents an hour. … We would pick out the best rotted potato and greens and carrots that were already soft. Then we would go to the butcher and beg a marrow bone. And then with the few pennies we would buy a box of barley, and we’d have soup to last us for three or four days. I remember she would say to me sometimes, ‘You go out and do it. I’m ashamed’”. Clara and her family were just one of many families that suffered astronomically, Clara’s father walked everyday to work. Their family didn’t have a mode of transportation, they also had to get food out of the trash. Clara’s mother was ashamed to have to beg for food and something as simple as bone. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration, (FERA) one of many organizations created to help reduce the poverty. The FERA could help aid such families. Instead of having to go into the back alleyway and search food then admitting the shame of having to beg. According to Document 12, a graph depicting the unemployment rates from 1925 to 1939 shows that unemployed rose from 1929 to 1933 by 22 percent ; and dropped by 3 percent each year after FDR became president. The FERA helped decline more poverty and increase people getting job …show more content…

Talking Dustbowl describes the lifestyle of farming as, “Well, the price was up and all the rain came down. And I hauled my crops all in to town … Rain quit and the wind got high, And a black old dust filled the sky, And I swapped my farm for a Ford machine. And I filled it full of this gasoline… We got out to the West Coast broke”(Document 6). Many farmers suffered through the Dustbowl and the Great Depression because they had a lot of over bulk in crops due to overproducing for World War 1. Then since they all had so much crops it wouldn’t sell. Fast forward a few years later to when there was a big drought that made it really hard to grow anything, and they land became literal lots filled with dust. For many it was simpler to sell everything they own, and buy an automobile and go Westward. For those that chose to stuck through they had Agricultural Adjustment Act(AAA). The AAA had the ability to help farmers by having an agent come into each county to advise they how much they can grow as well as what particular crops to grow. According to Encyclopedia of American History, an infographic shows the Farm Credit Administration(FCA) coming into effect in 1933(Document 10). The purpose of the FCA was help farms out by placing a lower mortgage price on farms for a longer set amount of time. Another aspect that workers obtained from the New Deal was the National Industrial Recovery Act(NIRA),

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