New Gen Health Sciences Case Study

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Case Study – New Gen Health Sciences In case study number one Benji Watson is placed in a situation where he has to put his ethical beliefs to test. Benji learns prior to his interview with New Gen Health Sciences that their business practices do not necessarily align with their mission statements and stated ethics code. During the interview process he is exposed to even more revelations that question the company’s ethical stance. The underlying question is whether or not Benji should accept the offer of employment with the company. The recommendation is for Benji to not accept the offer. This posting will explore in greater detail the reasons supporting the recommendation. Corporate Culture Corporate culture varies from company …show more content…

However, Benji finds that this ethics code is only surface deep at best. The company has in reality an ethics code that supports their economic growth. New Gen appears to have morphed their ethics to match their goals. Dobson (n.d.) states this as, “Conventional business ethics has in essence divorced morality from philosophy and has instead married it to economic theory.” (p. 6). When an organization’s ethics code becomes negotiable it places employees and the organization at risk. In the last decade many large companies have been ruined because of questionable ethical business practices. Enron is an extremely relevant example that illustrates how a lack of adherence to ethical standards can cost an organization. An example is when Benji asked the recruiter about what he read regarding the company’s practice with distributors. The recruiter dismissed it quickly and boasted that their legal department would have the site down within days. If the complaints are valid then the company’s distributor management policies are less than ethical and are most likely not in line with their ethics code. Their ethics code appears to be driven solely be profit and not by what is

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