Nic Sheff's Tweak: Growing Up On Methamphetamines

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Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines, by Nic Sheff, is a fantastic novel about the twisted lifestyle of a drug addict and how tempting it is to stray from the path of recovery. This novel is non-fiction and is his own take on a bibliography. First drunk at the age of eleven, Nic Sheff was able to decipher his problematic childhood as the reason he fell into drugs, depression, and heartbreak. Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines is the story of a young man who has just relapsed (yet again) and who has found himself on the streets of San Francisco, using again, but still hoping to recover the life he had before drugs. Not only has his relapse pushed Nic 's relationship with his family, even further into a black hole, it brings him closer with …show more content…

As the novel moves along, Nic Sheff certainly shows how he transitions from a boy who is focused more on using drugs then anything else in his life, to a sophisticated grown man who seems to have his life put together. In the beginning, Nic was imature, "I ride the elevator for a while, wondering if there are any cameras in there - maybe I could stop and shoot up right there." (P. 73), whereas later in the novel, he started to show he was growing out of that lifestyle, "Almost every morning I 'm out at six thirty with this group of riders who take different routes around West L.A."(P. 163), "Spencer and I are going to a twelve-step meeting tonight and he is picking me up in about ten minutes."(P. 158). The reader is able to see not only what Nic has become, but rather the path that led Nic to what he transitioned into. Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines, by Nic Sheff, is an intriguing novel that captures the hardship of what recovering drug addicts must go through to get their life back on track. Nic Sheff takes reader through his journey and conveys his struggles so that we are able to relate to him whist still on the edge of our seats. It was hard for me to put this novel down, but because of the vulgar language and explicit scenes, I would only highly recommend Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines to young