Nick Carraway Routine In The Great Gatsby

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Towards the end of chapter three in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway recalls his daily routine, which not only consists of going to work early in the morning and late aimless walks alone down the avenues, but also tells of Nick’s internal clash between wanting friends and the lack of effort he puts into establishing and sustaining a relationship. Fitzgerald describes Nick as a confused man, who’s delusional about how close he is to people he considers friends, which causes him to be restless and sad; often left to wander the streets for something to do Nick defaults to inaction, only observing and imagining what he desires. In this section, Fitzgerald portrays Nick as excited about having friends at work, although the …show more content…

Nick seems not to be oblivious to his sadness, although he lacks knowledge about the cause of the emotion, for he admits that dinner alone at the Yale Club is, “for some reason [,]…the gloomiest event of [his] day” (62). After dinner, Nick studies in the library, which he considers a quiet and “good place to work”, although he does mention that “there generally a few rioters”, which contradict Nick’s purpose for studying there, because if Nick really didn’t want to be disturbed he would go home (62). After studying for about an hour, “if the night [is] mellow” Nick restlessly “strolls around” the avenues and although among many, he still “[feels] a haunting loneliness” and can “[feel] it in others”(62). However, Fitzgerald relates Nick’s loneliness to that of “young clerks”, who “wast[e] the most poignant moments of night and life” “loitering” and waiting around for people to come and provide work for them, which parallels Nick’s own method of wasting time and waiting for people to provide him with something to …show more content…

Throughout the passage, Fitzgerald adds depth to Nick’s character, establishing motivation for his actions, for example, now Nick’s motivation to accompany Tom to meet Myrtle even though he didn’t want to, was because the trip meant he had something to do and that someone, in this case Tom, wanted him. The passage also provides insight, which explains why Gatsby, a self-centered man who initiated contact with Nick for personal gain, and Nick, a shy, socially awkward man who wants to be wanted and desires an effort-free companion, are