Nicki Minj Anaconda And The Mistreatment Of Women

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The extent to how females can express their sexuality is often discussed back and forth also seen as filled with problems related to the saying that male-female sexual relationships are the only normal ones (heteronormative). bitch media writes an article on Nicki Minaj about to her music video titled "anaconda" in 2014. Cover release of anaconda first started the buzz, it is a photo of her squatting with a bra and a thong on and her butt out for the audience view. The video displays her showing off her body and her valuable things exalting women with " big ass" it was in partnership with Sir mix - a writer of the song " Baby got back".Once the video was released it caused a lot of arguments between people even though she got a record of …show more content…

Moreover throughout the conversation they came to an agreement that Nicki Minaj does not owe anyone an explanation to be held responsible for teaching children or for showing people who she really is. If Nicki Minaj is comfortable with her sexuality she has the right to show it off and express herself both as an artist and as a female too. Due to the non-normative act that Nicki Minaj displayed in the anaconda video it challenges the heterosexuality and feminism of how females are represented in society. As disagreed by bitch media, race also relates to why Nicki Minaj received so much hate and arguments between people for anaconda. some artists have been carefully thought about while some are not questioned for their

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