Nicole Schizophrenia Case Study

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Nicole’s diagnosis of schizophrenia was based on the knowledge of the disease at the time; however, there is evidence to suggest the diagnosis is invalid, and that her symptoms fit the criteria for schizotypal personality disorder more than schizophrenia. The criteria have changed over time for a schizophrenia diagnosis, therefore it is beneficial to discuss the current criteria of diagnosis for both schizophrenia and schizotypal to analyze which would be a more accurate description of Nicole’s condition. Positive Symptoms The schizophrenia disorder spectrum ranges from functional to dysfunctional, with severity levels of positive and negative symptoms. Schizophrenia is at the end of the spectrum, with criteria meeting the dysfunctional category. …show more content…

A delusion is a belief that is highly unlikely; however, delusions are different than self-deceptions people tell themselves. Delusions are different because they are impossible, they preoccupy the persons mind, and they refuse to admit that they could be wrong. People with delusions are incredibly defensive of their beliefs, and can feel attacked when someone attempts to challenge their beliefs. Hallucinations are a different type of positive symptoms because a person has a perceptual experience that is not real. The hallucination can come from any and all of the senses. Although a hallucination can involve any sense, auditory are the most common. Disorganized thought and speech can take the form of derailment, “word salad”, neologisms, and others. Derailment is when a person slips from one topic to another without any real connection. “Word salad” is when speech becomes so incoherent that the person listening cannot follow any train of …show more content…

People with schizotypal personality disorder are distinguished for their odd and eccentric behavior, but overall people with this disorder tend to be social isolated. The DSM-5 gives four categories for the type of behavior seen with the disorder: paranoia, ideas of reference, odd beliefs and magical thinking, and illusions. The paranoia in schizotypal personality disorder causes the person to think that everyone is lying to them and being hostile in their actions. The ideas of reference mean that they put inappropriate meaning to mundane events. The next category is odd beliefs and magical thinking, they may have the belief that people know what they are thinking. The last is illusions, however they are not to the point of hallucinations. People with schizotypal personality disorder also experience the speech distortions that those with schizophrenia experience, but not to the same severity. They may have odd interactions with others by simply not have inappropriate or no emotional response. The theories around schizotypal personality disorder suggest that it highly tied to genetics, whether the history is from schizophrenia or schizotypal. (Nolen-Hoeksema,

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