Nietzsche's Influence On Nazism

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Friedrich Nietzsche One ethical theory in relation to Nazism is that of Friedrich Nietzsche’s. This paper aims to discuss how the beliefs and writings of Nietzsche influenced the Nazis and their own thinking. This was done by providing a brief background on the life and works of Friedrich Nietzsche, some of his beliefs such as the Will to Power and the Superman, and the Nazis on Nietzsche’s works, using journal articles and other helpful sources. Friedrich Nietzsche, born in 1844 and died in 1900, was a philosopher known to be anti-democracy, anti-Judaism, anti-Christianity, anti-socialist and Anti-Christ (Kalish, 2004).
Warbeke describes him as a radical aristocrat, enemy of religion, a prophet… “so great that his mind was literally consumed …show more content…

“Nietzsche’s ideal man despises the vulgar worldly prosperity aimed at by the average man” (Foster, 1920). The Uebermesch or Superman does not recognize any higher power than himself (Goebel, 1899). He only obeys his own will and does not believe in a God. He claims that the belief in a God is a delusion (Goebel, 1899). He states that only weak people consider the voice of conscience the voice of higher power (Goebel, …show more content…

However, his intentions and interpretations may have differed with theirs. Since the Will to Power book was only assembled by his sister, it could have been that she also had a different interpretation to the works of Nietzsche and her own views and beliefs. This could have led to the misinterpretation of the Nazis to the purpose of Nietzsche. The Nazis may have used this ethical theory for their own well-being and to their advantage in order to justify their actions. His theory may have been used by the Nazis but there is a probability that he would have been against their acts since his teachings are far from the Nazi’s