Nigeria Essay-Igbo Race: The Republic Of Nigeria

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GENERAL OJUKWU AS THE ONLY NIGERIAN LEADER WHO SAYS IT AS IT IS WITHOUT APOLOGIES: "Corruption and prostitution seem to be the greatest unforgivable sins of Nigeria." "The major problems of Nigeria will live with the Republic forever, until the Igbo race assumes the Leadership of the country. That would be a watershed moment for all Nigerians." • "Parents, old, young should advise their children about the consequences of the Nation's addiction to prostitution- irreparable damage it does on our future generation." • "African children are truly perceived as "children of fear". Yes, but worldwide intelligent children can be produced through a systematic Genetic Manipulation." • "My concerns about the problems of Nigeria underscore the imperative of taking the issues of political …show more content…

Wole Soyinka. I wished he had presidential ambition.....I would advise the Igbos to give him maximum support because he understands the psychoanalysis of the Southern Solidarity more than any one else in the Western Region of Nigeria." Hatred For The Igbo Race: • "Those who hate Igbo nation for their Egalitarian and Republican dispositions, should be pitied. The Igbo is not a monolithic group. They can't be lumped together and expected to speak with one voice.....For better or worse, it's their Divine Gift. If critics can't understand that, they're either political yahoos or they were born with Ditto Heads."(General Ojukwu). Ojukwu was surprised that Gen. Obasanjo had favorable opinion of Chief EMEKA ANYOKU-an accomplished retired Commonwealth Secretary General. Ojukwu therefore quoted OBJ in this regard: :Chief Emeka Anyoku has distinguished himself in the International Arena as a credible Ambassador of Nigeria. His activities at the Commonwealth Secretariat didn't only bring respect to him as a person, they also improved Nigeria's image on the global stage."(O.B.J.). SOUTHERN SOLIDARITY AS A LASTING PEACE FOR