
Night By Elie Wiesel Night Analysis

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Elie Wiesel’s work, Night, published in 1958, demonstrates the struggles Jewish society and other minorities faced in order to live a life of liberty. I, myself, felt bound and trapped, but not by iron doors, but by words. Even though being open and social can help communication growth, rudeness and unnecessary judgement can hinder one’s ability to be social and make them feel like expressing themselves is not possible.
August 21, 2010, as my mother pulled up to the side of Georgetown Middle School, I remember thinking “I hope Mrs. Hope gives me hope.” My blood was pounding from the adrenaline, and my stomach was in knots knowing that in a few moments, I would be taking my first steps into an unusual environment for the next three years. I walked through the double doors, and down the yellow tile hallway, all …show more content…

Hope’s class was. The hallway felt never-ending, seeing all the unfamiliar faces made me nervous, but excited at the same time. It was an unusual feeling, but I made it to the class, took my seat, and waited patiently for the teacher to begin. My first new friend was named Cameo, she came up to me and introduced herself, she appeared eager, but I could tell she was just as nervous as I was. I was reluctant to speak to a lot of people due to my speech impediment. I introduced myself to her, and without knowing, we became best friends. Due to my friendship with her, people began to look at me differently. I could tell, but I ignored it hoping the uneasiness would go away, but of course, it didn’t. The next few weeks were hard, but I endured. The constant picking and teasing about my best friend being a girl really affected my self-esteem to the point in which I didn’t want to speak to anyone. I was scared that I would be judged for being myself, and that is the worst feeling in the world. Anytime

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