Night Eating Disorders Essay

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Eating disorders are a serious illness that can often be fatal or cause severe damage to a person’s eating habits. Most people believe that eating disorders are lifestyle choices but in fact result from a psychological issue. The most common form of eating disorders is anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating. We would like to focus our report on the following three topics that go outside of the common eating disorders and how they affect the nutrition the body receives or doesn’t receives. Night eating syndrome and nocturnal sleep eating disorder are two disorders that are closely related and interested to learn more about them. As night eating syndrome is related to binge-eating disorder it is interesting to find out more on how people with is disorder have little to no control on what they eat at night. Due to have little control and other psychological issues it tends to cause a person to be obese or overweight leading an impact on their health such as risk to heart diseases, cancer, and high blood pressure. I am also interested at looking to nocturnal sleep eating as it is fascinating to learn how people who are completely asleep and prep and cooking the kitchen without any recollection of it. I want to find out more on …show more content…

The term describes as a symptom that involves an obsession with healthy eating. It is very interesting to find out more on how having too much of a clean eating diet can be harmful for our bodies and what type of food that people with orthorexia are consuming. According to the research, even though orthorexia is not official diagnosis, but many people struggle with this symptom which they may not realize that they are dealing with unhealthy diet. In this section will listed what are symptoms of orthorexia and what are strategies to overcome the problem like consuming variety of food to obtain the nutrients and other substances needed for good health from each of the five major

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