Night Elie Wiesel Night Analysis

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As Elie Wiesel had noted, “It was cold. We got into our bunks. The last night in Buna. Once more, the last night. The last night at home, the last night in the ghetto, the last night in the cattle car, and, now, the last night night in Buna. How much longer would our lives be lived from one ‘last night’ to the next?” (Wiesel 83). For Elie, ‘night’ was one very important word during his experiences. Memoirist Elie Wiesel, narrated the journey from Sighet to his personal experiences and observations of the Holocaust in his autobiography Night. Throughout the novel, Elie refers to night as an endless misery, where a majority of the intense atrocious events of the story occurred at night. Night represented a time where many grueling affairs happened to the people around Elie, even those who were innocent and unchanging.

From the very beginning, author Elie Wiesel starts off by describing his father's history. The first chapter of the memoir Night describes how the Jews of Sighet were separated into ghettos. After which, his father along with 20 other Jews were gathered in the courtyard and began telling stories. However, the stories were cut short when his father was pulled aside …show more content…

Elie discusses his journey to Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, along with the sight of flames he saw from the crematorium at his arrival. Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel recited, “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed” (Wiesel 34). From that night on, he knew his life was permanently altered and there was nothing he could do about it. During the second hanging Elie witnessed three victims being hanged, one of them being a young pipel. After those hangings he stated, “That night, the soup tasted of corpses” (Wiesel 65). One could only imagine how the author truly felt by the disturbing image of his people being killed without