
Night In The Book Night By Elie Wiesel

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Nights that marked Jews Jews passed long days and nights in the concentration camp. More than six million Jews died inside working to not be killed. We already know that they passed nightmares in the concentration camp. The big mistake that Jews made was that they not speak out because, if some of them had speak out for them and other people Jews could be free . Elie Wiesel the author of Night was one of the Jews that went to the camp. His father and him fought to don’t be killed but anyways they already knew what would be happen if they didn’t make any work. The theme of the book “Night”, the article “Wiesel offers students first-hand account of the Holocaust”, and the poem “First they came for the Jews” is that people must speak up about …show more content…

Jews were taken from their houses to be sent in concentration camps. More than six million of people went inside there were women, children, and men. Elie Wiesel describes in his book Night that, “They began to walk without another glance at the abandoned streets, the dead, empty houses,the gardens, the tombstones, on everyone’s back there was a sack”(16-17). This explain, how Jews were taken of their own freedom and went to concentration camps. The poem “First they came for the Jews” by Martin Niemoller relates that, “First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew”. This explain how he did not speak up for other people like him and how he stayed in silence until the Germans got him.In the same way Elie Wiesel concludes with, “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that I turned my life into one long night seven times sealed”(34). Jews were mark in that night when they were taken of all that they had. These people had only life that was take for people with hate in their …show more content…

They were the only people that always made something inside the camp. They did a lot of hard work to not be killed. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, he explain how this experience was, “So many crazed men, so much shouting, so much brutally”(34). Jews were treated without any respect. They were treated like animals. Also in the same way he explains how they were dressed and how their clothes looks like, “Our clothes were to be thrown on the floor at the back of the barrack”(35). This express how they did not have a good clothes to wear or compassion of Germans. In the article “Wiesel offers students first-hand account of Holocaust” by Louis Sahagun, Elie declares that, “I’ve learned first-hand from him how important it is to stand up for what you believe in”. We need to care about ourselves because nobody can take our decisions and what to believe. In the poem by Martin Niemoller relates that, “Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was not a communist”. Is the same message as Wiesel to speak for other people when they need you and how you can help them just

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