
Night John Research Paper

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NightJohn Night John, a controversial novel written by Gary Paulsen. It’s about slavery and how people felt and were treated. On the other hand all of the other people who try to rise up to help. They are the ones who want to make it their necessity to spawn an equality with slaves and white folks. Even though it took hundreds of years, they were the ones who started the movement to making black people and/or slaves equal in the world that we now personally know today. Today personally take advantage of the things we have nevertheless actually knowing where we started at will make you appreciate possessions and stop taking the slaves for granted. There was one slave who was different and he tried to make changes. He was …show more content…

Alote slaves can’t speak straightly or correctly congeneric we do. They learn how to speak off what the owners say. Night John has to help each person in a way they can understand. So Night John is so eager to teach that he has to adjust to their ways. For him to know what he knows must have taken him a while.So that is why Night John is cooperative. But all of this leads up to that night John is kind hearted. He is a free slave trying to help his kind or the people of his color. While doing this he is risking his life. He will also help a person if they need help. He also doesn’t care if a slave put his life at risk like Sarney did he just want to help his fellow people. So that is why Night John is kind hearted So in conclusion Night John is a life risking,cooperative and a kind hearted person. He put himself out there trying to help other people. He doesn’t plan on stopping the only thing stopping him is death and even them he will still live on. Even though he is a free slave and he can leave at any time. He decides to stay and help other people of his color. If you had hurt him in the past.He would have left it in the past and still try to help. So that is why Night John Is different from anyone

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