Night Of The Hunter Quotes

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Angela Schwindt quotes, “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” The film The Night of The Hunter, created in 1955 by Charles Laughton is a frightening and haunting movie. It depicts a young boy named John, who struggles to keep a secret from his beloved father. John also tries to take care of his little sister and to get away from Harry Powell, a fake wannabe preacher who is trying to get the children to confess a secret to him. However, Rachel is motivated by being an independent and faithful woman to take care of her orphaned children. Rachel shows independent and good faith to John by teaching him how to be a mature man. She gives him a watch for Christmas which is a gift that he is happy to receive and cherish. She stated, “It'll be nice to have someone around the house who can give me the right time of day.” (Agee et al. 93). She gave him that gift because since she lost the love of her son she founds it all in John by mothering him in the right way. The watch that Rachel gives John is a symbol of mortality and masculinity. Time is our humanity which is the apple that John gave Rachel. In the film, Rachel told John that the apple is the richest gift a person can ever have because …show more content…

In the film, Rachel gives Ruby a cheap costume jewelry flower-spray for Christmas. (Laughton). She gave her that gift because she is teaching her that she does not need to find love from a man to buy her things even though everyone’s need love. Ruby was charmed by Harrel Powell, a villainous preacher that wanted to know where the children was located at. Even though Ruby was a fool to tell him everything, she confesses it to Rachel. Ruby thought that Rachel would not forgive her, but she did. Rachel can see right through the evil preacher because he felt her suspicious about

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