The Titanic, most definitely man’s greatest accomplishment, is made in Belfast, Ireland, where it is then set off into the open ocean, and set for Southampton, England. From there, on April 11, 1912, 2:00 p.m., the Titanic sets sail for New York. All seems well, and it looks for the first time, that man has built the “unsinkable ship.” However, the hopes, lives, ship and all are cut down by an iceberg and now rest at the bottom of the Atlantic. This horrendous fact was shown in both the book and the movie, “A Night to Remember,” along with many other facts and stories. Despite the many similarities between the two types of media, there were also many differences. As one can see, the novel written by Walter Lord and the screenplay directed by Roy Ward Baker has some very striking similarities and some very …show more content…
When they find the iceberg, which is said to be “darker than the darkness of the night,” they ring the bell frantically to notify the captain of the iceberg. However, it takes a while for the captain to get the drivers, and by that time, it’s too late. Another similarity is the size of the gash that is made by the iceberg, and how it is found and announced. In both book and movie, the gash is said to be approximately 300 ft. long, stretching across 5 boiler rooms. A 3rd similarity that is easily spotted in both types of media is the chaotic mood. In most scenes, whether it be the boiler rooms or on the top deck during the sinking, people were very rowdy from work or panic. The 4th similarity could also be that most wives were extremely hesitant to get into lifeboats or to leave behind their families/husbands. This went to the extent of dying with them on board of the Titanic. An additional similarity could be that after the Carpathia came to pick up the remaining survivors, they were further scarred by the floating remains and debris of the